- Sold in a set of 8
- 65 lb/hr, 6-hole, high-impedance fuel injector with USCAR electrical connector
- E85 compatibility
- Flow balanced to within 1-2% (flow report included)
- Excellent spray pattern and atomization for optimized idle and tuning
Fuel Pressure Range: 40-90 psi
Minimum Pulse Width: 1.0 ms
Maximum Duty Cycle: 93%
Coil Impedance: 12.4 ohm
Injector Type: Bosch EV14 (medium/40mm)
Connector Type: us-car
About electrical connectors:
- The USCAR connector is sometimes referred to as EV6, which is a Bosch term for the generation of injector.
- Jetronic is the older style connector, sometimes referred to by the Bosch generation EV1.
- Neither EV1 or EV6 is technically correct because those generations of Bosch injectors could come with either connector. However, most EV1’s commonly seen use the Jetronic connector and most EV6’s use the USCAR connector so it’s easy to see the connection.
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